Creative Writing

Are you a poet or creative writer who would like to get involved in the ongoing conversation about mental health?  If so, we will soon be looking for you!

A few of the pieces of artwork from UNBROKEN 2017, together with some of the creative responses written for them by Olu Alakija, Rosalind Blessed, Alex Boast, Sarah Scanlan & an anonymous author.

– As part of the 2020 festival, we will be looking for a handful of poets or other creative writers to write short response pieces to various works of art created by artists suffering from depression and other mental health issues.

– As we did previously, some weeks before the festival we will email the writers photographs of their individual piece of artwork and they will then have a couple of weeks to write a response piece and email it back to us. Their responses will be printed out and displayed next to the artwork at the 2020 festival in May.  (The writers will receive no information about either the artwork or the artist and will be working from – and reacting to – the painting alone.)

– We will open for expressions of interest early in 2020, at which time more details will be added here…

We look forward to hearing from you when the time comes!   In the meantime, you may enjoy reading the following blog post written by ALEX BOAST, the author of two of the response pieces featured in the 2017 festival: